TCM Updates
As part of the AESO’s development of ISO rules required to establish and implement the capacity market, the AESO performed an extensive review of existing ISO rules. As a result of this process, the AESO identified a number of ISO rules requiring changes. Whereas certain changes to the existing ISO rules were considered essential for the implementation of the capacity market (“Amended EAS Market Rules”), others were not considered essential (“Category 2 Rules”). The ISO rules development consultation process associated with both sets of amendments commenced in July 2018 and concluded in March 2019.
On Jan. 31, 2019, the AESO filed its capacity market application which included the proposed Amended EAS Market Rules.
In a letter dated July 25, 2019, the AESO received notification from the Government of Alberta that Alberta will not transition to a capacity market, and will continue with an energy-only market. On July 29, 2019, the Alberta Utilities Commission (“AUC”) accepted the AESO’s request to withdraw its capacity market application, which included the proposed Amended EAS Market Rules. Consequently, the AESO did not file an application for the proposed Category 2 Rules.
The AESO is continuing to propose some of the amendments that were identified during the above review under the current energy-only market. The proposed TCM Updates for EAS essentially consist of amendments drawn from the proposed Amended EAS Market Rules and Category 2 Rules, absent capacity market-related content.
Updates | Jan. 29, 2021
Letter of Notice of Draft Proposed New and Amended ISO Rules and AESO Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary (“CADG”) Terms and Definitions:
- Section 202.7, Markets Suspension or Limited Markets Operations;
- Section 302.1, Real Time Transmission Market Constraint Management;
- AESO CADG Definition – "acceptable operational reason";
- AESO CADG Definition – “constraint effective factor”;
- AESO CADG Definition – “downstream constraint side”;
- AESO CADG Term & Definition – “transmission constraint”;
- AESO CADG Definition – “transmission constraint rebalancing”;
- AESO CADG Term & Definition – “transmission market constraint”; and
- AESO CADG Definition – “upstream constraint side”
collectively referred to as the “TCM Updates”
Stakeholder comments
Thank you to all Stakeholders who participated in this ISO rules comment process. All written comments received will be considered in the AESO’s finalization of the proposed TCM Updates and can be found in the materials below.
TCM updates materials
- Stakeholder Comments [Posted: Feb. 23, 2021]
- Comment Matrix [Posted: Jan. 29, 2021]
- Letter of Notice [Posted: Jan. 29, 2021]
- Clean | Draft Proposed Section 202.7 [Posted: Jan. 29, 2021]
- Blackline | Draft Proposed Section 202.7 [Posted: Jan. 29, 2021]
- Clean | Draft Proposed Section 302.1 [Posted: Jan. 29, 2021]
- Blackline | Draft Proposed Section 302.1 [Posted: Jan. 29, 2021]
- Blackline | Draft Proposed CADG Terms and Definitions [Posted: Jan. 29, 2021]
- Appendix A | Proposed TCM Updates – Amendments and Rationales [Posted: Jan. 29, 2021]
Updates | Feb. 6, 2020
Letter of Notice for Development of Proposed New & Amended ISO Rules and AESO Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary (“CADG”) Terms and Definitions:
- Section 202.6, Adequacy of Supply;
- Section 202.7, Markets Suspension or Limited Markets Operations;
- Section 302.1, Real Time Transmission Market Constraint Management;
- AESO CADG Definition – "acceptable operational reason";
- AESO CADG Definition – “constraint effective factor”;
- AESO CADG Definition – “downstream constraint side”;
- AESO CADG Term & Definition – “transmission constraint”;
- AESO CADG Definition – “transmission constraint rebalancing”;
- AESO CADG Term & Definition – “transmission market constraint”; and
- AESO CADG Definition – “upstream constraint side”
collectively referred to as the “TCM Updates”
Stakeholder comments
Thank you to all stakeholders who participated in this part ISO rules comment process. All written comments received will be considered in the AESO’s development of the proposed TCM Updates and can be found in the materials below.
TCM updates materials
- Stakeholder Comments [Posted: Feb. 25, 2020]
- Comment Matrix [Posted: Feb 6, 2020]
- Letter of Notice [Posted: Feb. 6, 2020]
- Blackline | Section 202.6 [Posted: Feb. 6, 2020]
- Blackline | Section 202.7 [Posted: Feb. 6, 2020]
- Blackline | Section 302.1 [Posted: Feb. 6, 2020]
- Blackline | CADG Terms and Definitions [Posted: Feb. 6, 2020]
- Update Letter [Posted: Nov. 28, 2019]
Updates for EAS | Nov. 28, 2019
Update Letter for Proposed New & Amended ISO Rules and AESO Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary (“CADG”) Terms and Definitions:
- Section 202.6, Adequacy of Supply;
- Section 202.7, Markets Suspension or Limited Markets Operations;
- Section 302.1, Real Time Transmission Market Constraint Management;
- AESO CADG Definition – "acceptable operational reason";
- AESO CADG Term & Definition – “constraint effective factor”;
- AESO CADG Term & Definition – “downstream constraint side”;
- AESO CADG Term & Definition – “transmission constraint”;
- AESO CADG Term & Definition – “transmission constraint rebalancing”;
- AESO CADG Term & Definition – “transmission market constraint”; and
- AESO CADG Term & Definition – “upstream constraint side”
collectively referred to as the “TCM Updates for EAS”
Stakeholder comments
The AESO received stakeholder feedback in response to its Update Letter for Proposed New & Amended ISO Rules and AESO Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary (“CADG”) Terms and Definitions collectively referred to as the “TCM Updates for EAS”, dated November 28, 2019. This feedback can be found in the materials below.
Updates for EAS rules materials:
- Stakeholder Comments [Posted: Dec. 13, 2019]
- Blackline | Section 202.6 [Posted: Nov. 28, 2019]
- Blackline | Section 202.7 [Posted: Nov. 28, 2019]
- Blackline | Section 302.1 [Posted: Nov. 28, 2019]
- Blackline | CADG Terms and Definitions [Posted: Nov. 28, 2019]
- Update Letter [Posted: Nov. 28, 2019]